
That was pretty painless

So yesterday we bit the bullet and had a pretty massive dvd purge. Some will be going to the 2nd hand shop, any they don’t want will be going to charity, and some others will be going to a friend as she needs cheering up, and a bag full of comedy dvd’s will be a help.

At first I resented even having to choose which ones were going, as this is a collection that took years to make up, and there was a reason behind every purchase, but the weird thing is that once they were in the bags, I felt like a weight had been lifted. I actually felt better.
Thing I have to remember is that I want to go travelling in a few years, and you can’t fit a massive movie collection in a camper van, so it needs to be done.

Basically, I’m realising that attachment to “things” isn’t healthy, and brings psychic baggage. Ultimately, if I find I ever need or want to watch one of these movies again, they’ll be on Netfliz of Amazon or whatever streaming service I’m using, and I WILL be able to watch them.

Categories: consummerism, film, Uncategorized, Weekend | Tags: | Leave a comment

Update and Alien movies.

That was a pretty good weekend. Made some chilli, coconut and lime chicken, did some yoga, went to the garden centre and had hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream, and finslly saw Alien Covenant, which I really liked.
I’d heard mixed opinions of the new Alien movie, but the naysayers were mostly people I know who like hard SF in book form, and hold SF media in disdain, so I’m not listening to their opinion. That aside, if it was a franchise I liked, I’d still go, and make my own mind up about a film. For example, I love the Star Wars movies, BUT can’t stand Jar-Jar Binks. A character so irritating, you were praying for him to be taken out the gene pool. If we could get a special edition of Phantom Menace WITHOUT Jar-Jar, I’d gladly put up with the holes in the story.

This morning before work I met up with a colleague and went for a run. Nothing spectacular as it’s been ages since either of us ran, so just a comfortably paced 3k or so to get the legs and the lungs used to running again. Felt great to be out running. I’d forgotten how much I used to love it.

(Dug out my Nostromo baseball cap since it seemed approptiate considering my viewing at the weekend)

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Spooky car in the woods

The weekend didn’t quite go as planned (we never went inline skating on Sunday), but it was still a good one.

Saturday we had games night, and played Pandemic for the first time.  Superb game, need to pick up a copy.  There’s a Cthulhu version, so that might be fun, although the original is really really good.
Decisions decisions……

Yesterday, since we didn’t go skating, we went for a walk in Pollok Park. Someone had abandoned and burned out a car in the woods.  Strange thing is that despite the ground being wet and muddy, there’s no tyre marks!

Later we went to the CCA, to see a documentary – The Cause of Ireland – about life for ordinary people on both sides of the divide, during the troubles in the six counties.  Really interesting film.



Burnt out car in Pollok Park (note the lack of tyre marks on the ground.)

Categories: film, Uncategorized, Weekend | Leave a comment

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