Monthly Archives: July 2017


It was my birthday on Friday, and my wife had booked a paddleboard/canoe experience for me. So, yesterday, I tried canoeing and paddleboarding for the first time.

Canoeing was fun, but pretty hard work. Any “Into the Wild” type fantasies of packing a bag, jumping into a canoe and getting away from civilisation, well that bubble popped there and then 😀
The paddleboarding on the other hand…..that was a lot easier effort-wise, but there was the balance issue to contend with, and yes I took a dunking three or four times, but damn it was fun.



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Well last week was a bit of a write off. Monday was a bank holiday, so we headed to Largs for the day, and had the traditional ice cream from Nardini’s, which is always good.

On Tuesday I had the lunchtime beginners kettle bell class again, which while not enjoyable (to me anyway), does leave you feeling that you’ve done a good work-out.

Then it went belly up. Didn’t sleep well Tuesday night, and woke up Wednesday with nasty sinus pain, a streaming nose, and I couldn’t stop sneezing. And that, was basically the state of play until Friday evening when I started to feel human again.
On the plus side, I hadn’t caught up with the last season of Dr Who, so I managed to binge watch that. I also discovered Rick and Morty, which is fun.

Saturday, feeling human again, we headed to the 1st Canal Festival, which was fun except the weather was rotten. We stayed for about an hour, and would have stayed longer if it wasn’t for the rain.
After bailing on the canal festival, we headed to the Newlands Country Club to use the pool and spa, as Karen had got a day pass through her work. The pool was nice and quiet, and after a wee session on the treadmill, I had a swim before hitting the jacuzzi and finishing off in the steam room, which totally cleared out my sinus’s.

We finished off the weekend with a long walk through the Linn Park, and lunch in the Old Smiddy.

So the weekend made up for the lurgi write off earlier in the week.

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Well that was different!

Just back from a beginners introductory kettle bell class. Damn that was knackering!!!

The lower half of my body feels like it belongs to someone else, and isn’t really talking to the rest of me. My lower back feels really “loose” – that’s the only way I can describe it – and it’s great.
There’s another 3 weeks of the beginners class to go. I feel great, but at the same time I can’t believe that people “like” a kettle bell session!

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TRNSMT Festival

Been a wee while, but I’ve not really been up to a great deal lately. Until this weekend.

On Friday I went to the TRNSMT festival on Glasgow Green, principally to see Radiohead. I wandered round checking out the smaller stages, but to be honest, spent most of my time at the main stage, where I saw Rag N Bone Man, London Grammar, Belle and Sebastian, and finally Radiohead.
It was a great day, but as usual you were at the mercy of the overpriced food and drink, so before I went in, I stuffed my face in the city centre so I only needed a snack later, and I just had to bite the bullet when it came to the cost of a beer (£5 for a pint of Carlsberg which would const about £3 usually).

Anyway, it was a great day. Here’s some pics.



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